Harry’s Garage Tests The New Electric MINI Cooper SE
One of our favorite YouTube Channels, Harry’s Garage has gotten the new electric MIMI Cooper SE in for a full test. As the founder of EVO Magazine, Harry has a unique perspective on the J01 and some interesting take aways. And a few points that haven’t been talked about much.
One of his immediate points is weight which be measured at 1660 kg vs 1360 kg from the previous electric SE. As Harry says, “the weight blunts everything but because it’s down low, it (still) feels very dynamic.”
Here are a few of Harry’s key take-aways:
“The chuck-a-bility is also there. It feels mini and that’s the big positive. Another positive, Drive off support turns off traction control which is great to see in this age. Because of this, there’s torque steer and it feels alive. The steering is also quick and quite quick to change direction. It just dives into corners which is very Mini-like. It doesn’t feel as fun as the previous version due to weight. But the range makes it easier to own. And usability is off the scale and so the freshness of the design.”
Have a look at the video above, it’s well worth a watch.